Monday, 27 May 2013

Fear Arogance

Is it arrogance perchance
That throws that verbal lance
That painfully spears your sisters heart
Wounds of her a work of your art?
Do you seek to help her
Or insult her?
Why aren't the words we speak
Humble and meek
To aid our brethren why don't we seek
With love in our chest
With language best
With minds at rest
There are avenues many of creativity
Of deep and honest sincerity
Ask for this with piety
One day will come when we are sorted
Don't let your dawah be distorted
Advise for the sake of Allah alone
Be not the one to make hellfire your home

Umm Musk

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Niqab in my Hand

In my hand I hold piece of black chiffon
I think perhaps today I'll try this on
I grab the sides made of soft lace
I lift my niqab gently to my face
I secured it safely there and raise my eyes to see
The most beautiful image looking back at me

I am instantly shy at the gracious scene
I look like a sheikha so pure and clean
In my heart I feel something peaceful and serene
I turn my face sideways admiring my reflection
I take it briefly off out of fear of deception

A deception of Islamicness
Epitomised in this type of dress
Am I worth this image I ask my heart
Will I be able to play this noble part
Of representing piety as an art

Will I uphold this dignified symbol
I don't want my resolve to crumble

I put it back on and safe I feel
The experience is so surreal
It's a moment of change
I feel so joyfully strange
But for the world this I will not exchange

I am a new woman now
I'll crush my fears I take vow
I know this fabric will make me strong
I know this decision can not be wrong
The path of my mothers I want to walk along
With the believers I want to wholeheartedly belong

I want my lord to accept this sacrifice
Difference of opinion is really nice
But I want to make a safe choice
I want to learn living relying on my intellect alone
I don't want to be everyone else's clone
I'm finally no longer sipping at dunya's stream
I seek to focus on that eternal dream

This piece of cloth keeps me afloat
As waves capsize me off iman's boat
It's something that pulls me up as I drown
I'm no longer moulded flesh or skin brown
I am a sprit and that's what I now treasure
Erased is fleeting materialistic pleasure
I pray that on the day when our deeds Allah will measure
We will be rewarded in an abundance of ajr
For a life that tread through the earth with sabr


Umm Musk

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Coping with Mornings During Pregnancy - with Toddlers {New Mums}

Asalamalaikum Sisters :D

We praise Allah when we fall pregnant with our second child. For the muslim women in my friends and family the idea of our first child being an only child doesn't appeal. Often we come from big families and like our own to follow. Other times we ourselves have been brought up as only children and didn't want our children to feel as we did when we watched siblings grow up together. Second children and subsequent children therefore are a source of relief and joy - especially for the sake of our first child.

Then comes the morning sickness and we start wondering how on earth we are going to cope - especially in those gruggy mornings when sleep is already a nagging issue.

How to Cope with Pregnancy Mornings and Toddlers:

First we say Alhamdulilah - all praise be to Allah who has blessed us with a gift of being able to bear children.

Next we say Bismillah - we start in the name of Allah the most merciful and kind. This will add a spiritual boost as well as adding blessings and reward to our actions...inshallah :)

Here is one suggestion I found very helpful:

 - Buy a child size table or set up an area easily reachable for your toddler

 - Set up a breakfast for your toddler the night before

- Suggestions include: sliced fruit, a bowl with dry cereal and a sippy cup full of juice

Image Source:

I found these suggestions extremely helpful and appropriate also for sisters who are renting.

The fruit and cereal are healthy foods that inshallah the toddler will not choke on and they are not really very messy foods.

The juice is also a good option since it gives the child refreshing energy and it won't spoil overnight inshallah. The sippy cup will insallah prevent too much spill. Unless you have a toddler like my Toddlergirl2 who is bent on shaking everything until it splatters on the floor - at which she giggles showing her two little bottom teeth. Ahhhrr I love them when theyre at that stage, despite the intense work........alhamdulilah :D

Image Source:

Ok take care everyone


Umm Musk

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Biggest Nuissance of Indian Weddings

Biggest Nuissance of Indian Weddings

The biggest nuissance at the south asian wedding event

Is not hall that must be rent

Nor the money that must be spent

Nor the invites that must be sent

Nor the rituals and other content

It is the old Indian aunty who doesn’t repent

Frustration at her I must vent

To ruin the fun is her advent

Her opposition to Allah and his blessed guidelines

Sends emotions flaring several times

Her body is filled with poison mines

Verbally ready to blast at anyone who - wishes to follow a halal or two

Haram and sin is her idea of a great function

She helps satan at every junction

Trapped in the ignorant delusion of culture

She screeches around like a hungry vulture

She rips the hijab off the head of the bride

She tightens the fabric around the groom’s hide

She pushes the imams and sheikhs violently aside

In showing off wealth she takes pride

For freemixing of genders she takes a side

Walks around with an arrogant stride

Makes comments mean and snide

For the angels to curse the doors open wide

She makes the couple cry and ruins their dream

Of following the Sahaba so pure and clean

Some wish she were an ant small and blue

Then someone would stumble on her with their shoe

May Allah protect her from me and you

May Allah guide her to the path that is true

Umm Musk

Niqabic Symbolism {Short Poem}

Niqabic Symbolism

Niqabic symbolism of piety is a critique on society. 

A critique on those who claim to encourage freedom in lands yet propagate oppression with their own hands.

A critique on those who find liberty in nudity but hinder the ability to dress with dignity.  

A critique on those claim to be free spirits individually yet act as a barrier for someone else’s spiritual creativity. 

A critique on those who claim to fear for reasons of security the removable niqab, yet walk around covering their own face with sunglasses in summer and in winter wear heavy covering garb.

Definition of my Niqab:
A critical critique criticising the hypocritical critics crittering along on the crust of the earth cluttering creativity created by their own Creator.

Umm Musk :)

Friday, 10 May 2013

Boys' Issues

Boys' Issues

He creeps out of his room late at night

His stealthy footsteps give you a fright

Quietly you begin to follow

With a heavy heart, a guilt you swallow

He makes his way through another door

You thinks he’s studying you’re not sure

Peeping into the room he is seated

You find yourself lost and defeated

There on the screen in the room so dark

You view strong images naked stark

Behind his head you are shocked to view

Violence and nudity there ensue

Where did your parenting skills fail

Somewhere deep your soul begins to wail

You bite your fist and stifle a cry

You thought you raised him modest and shy

You didn’t anticipate this awful test

When you happily brought him to the west

You thought you could get away without preaching

Neglecting Islam and all it’s moral teaching

Realisation dawns bitter as gourd

You didn’t instil in him fear of your Lord

Now who are you going to blame

You hang your head low in shame

Confirmed are unspoken fears

You bow down to your lord in tears

A poem by Umm Shabd. Asalamalaikum: Feel free to share my poem but please give credit and link back this blog. This is not for fame, name or the money game..... this blog is for dawah purposes only so the more poems people read the more ajr we get and you get too. JazakAllah khair.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Nappy basket vs Nappy Stacker

Asalamalaikum sisters :D

I have been using a nappy basket instead of a nappy stacker and alhamdulilah i am liking the basket very much.

I like ripping the box open and dumping the diapers into a basket without worrying about making it look pretty. It's just as much easier in grabbing one when needed rather than stressing about the nice fabric getting dirty, embroidery being picked or colour coding blue and pink nappies with the right stacker.

I end up changing three nappies at a time so I can't afford to fuss around. (Tahara wash + towel dry + wrap + pants back on) x 3 = alot of effort (and alot of ajr too inshallah :))

The less attractive appearance of the basket coupled with the size means little hands are less likely to use the nappy holder as a hat or flap it around like a butterfly.

Here is my basket:

Traditional nappy stacker:

Modern Nappy Stackers:

Asalamalaikum, may Allah help us organise our homes ameen. :)

Umm Musk

Monday, 6 May 2013


Who despises oppression?
"Sydney Responds" Fundraising Appeal

Assalaamu alaikom brothers and sisters

We would like to invite you to a noble night at IDO's "Sydney Responds" 2013 fundraising appeal. Sydney's Muslims have already responded with their generosity in previous IDO events such as "Sydney4Somalia" & "Sydney4Syria".

At this event we would like to provide you with an update on how your assistance has helped the recipients of your aid throughout the world, both in Emergency Aid and Sustainable Development Projects.

We also want you to share in this opportunity to support IDO in implementing its Humanitarian Aid and Development Projects as follows:
·  Syria: Medical Centre including 2 surgery rooms and pharmacy that will insha'Allah save lives in the region of Aleppo, as well as provide much needed Education, Counseling and Welfare services to Orphans in those devastated communities in Syria
·  Africa: Provide the finishing touches to our " Mustapha Al Majzoub Safe Village" project in Somalia and continue our work in other parts of Africa
·  Burma/Bangladesh: Provide Emergency Relief to the Burmese Rohinga and other regions experiencing natural and man-made devastation.
·  Fiji: Disaster Recovery Relief and development after Cyclones.
·  Australia: ACWA’s My Home Respite Centre, the only Muslim Run Centre for the intellectually Disabled & IDO’s Aboriginal Out Reach Program.
You can respond to our humanitarian initiatives by requesting a table/ tickets for the night and for businesses who would like to sponsor the dinner, sponsorship packages are available. Contact Ahmed on 0406 555 556 to make arrangements or email us on

Tickets Online at:
Facebook Page
Facebook Event Page
Wassalaamu alaikom
Asalamalaikum. I found this email in my inbox, I have never heard of this organisation but it seems like a nice event for sisters living in Sydney. This is what I don't like about living away from Sydney, you miss out on a lot. Alhamdulilah for everything. May Allah reward everyone making a difference to the Ummah. Ameen. 

Sunday, 5 May 2013

My Cleaning Routine {Printable}

Asalamalaikum Sisters :D

Alhamdulilah I have finally been able to put together my cleaning routine after much fiddling and jiggling with fonts and borders. Here it is by the will of Allah.

The routine is comprised of duties you  carry out in the morning, duties for the evening and duties you perform on a weekly basis. It is very simplified so at a glance you can see exactly what you have to do and when. 

It is great for new mums to get through that hazy faze of getting back on track after the little whirlwind of babyness triumphs throughout the house. It may also be useful for students living away, newly wed brides and sisters like me who just get side tracked and lose focus very easily - daydreamers.

If you would like an A4 printable version of this routine please click here: Printable Cleaning RoutineAlternatively, if you would like the image below in a larger format, please email: Please note that the format is in a PNG file.

Sorry about the size. I can't fit the original size on this blog. The Printable version I have linked above is a lot clearer.

I am not going to take credit for the way this has been cleverly planned out. I got the idea from a video on youtube who got the original cleaning routine off littlegreennotebook's blog who got it from her friend who is a mum of three little toddlers (just like me! I had to take the inspiration :)) 

It has fixed up my life subhanallah and I make dua for all the women who led me to this life saving routine. May Allah bless them and guide them to the light of the deen. Ameen.

Dividing the Day

Basically what you do is carry out the morning routines, do what you need to do during the day, then in the evening you come back to carry out the evening clean. The day is basically divided into two cleaning times. I like to set a deadline and dart around the house before the time is up. I usually put on a fast paced nasheeds and try to end my task before the end of each song.

One Chore a Day

In the morning I have the "chore of the day". Every day has a different chore, so these duties are carried out on a daily basis.

One Swing Chore a Week

If you have a look on Monday, there is a swing chore. You have to refer to the swing chore listed beneath to see which duty you have to carry out that week. There were four duties originally, the fourth being "clean rugs and upholstery". Since I don't have rugs (and didn't have space on the page) I skipped it.

One Room a Day

On my routine I have added a room for everyday. This is because of the age of my children. Being very young, my children perform all sorts mess making monstrosities. So I have a lot of extra work to do besides the "chore of the day", there will chocolates marks, socks filled with grapes, potatoes in the toybox, spoons in the bedroom, unmentionable things in the everyday I have a room to check for any thing....unusual. 

Changing Linen Everyday

I've put down changing linen for Thursday but this is only for single or elderly sisters. I have found that with the children, I end up changing the sheets everyday because of the nappies. You just don't  know when it may have leaked. Toddlergirl2 sleeps next to me on our queen bed during the night sometimes so I need to change the linen because I breastfeed her lying down in the same place during the day. I am very careful about this because any wee wee on the bed may nullify my clothes for prayer.

Bathroom Cleaning Everyday

I found that the bathroom also needs to be cleaned everyday because it seems to be the most favorite place in the house. My babies get so excited about teeth brushing, making wudhu, taking showers and playing in the bathtub with blocks. 

Inshallah I hope this helps. I will also inshallah try to put up posts relating to each step of the routine in detail. May Allah help us all. 

Umm Musk :)

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Crisp, clean, clothing {New Mums - Tips}

Asalamalaikum sisters, inshallah you are reading this in the best of health and iman. May Allah fill our lives with peace, tranquillity and cleanliness.

In the days when I was not yet married one of the things I took for granted was clean, crisp perfectly ironed clothing. Today with three toddlers it is something I treasure.

There was a time where I would easily take out nice outfits straight from the wardrobe with just one finger. Garments on hangers set in the same direction. Garments that would have not a wrinkle – not even at the back. Stains were something that would cause the garment to be dismissed to charity drives or younger siblings. Pee or poo from a friend or cousin’s baby would mean the garment went into the bin – or the local nuclear disposal plant. My clothes would be clean enough to pray in and dare I say - to eat on.

Today I feel like I have six arms: one holds a bottle of stain remover, one holds a knife for removing goops of gloopy baby food, another holds washing liquid, the fourth holds hospital grade disinfectant, in another is attached a permanent stick on iron and the last holds my confused little mind. How do babies make so much mess? Subhanallah.
When I first became a mum I was so overwhelmed and ashamed at myself, stains and marks and wrinkled clothes were one of the first things I noticed that had changed about me once I became a mother. I wanted to be one of those super eco mums who didn’t use chemical and who bought cotton terry towelled cloth nappies. Instead there I was struggling to find the energy to walk to the laundry. Hubby and I were just out of our teens so we couldn’t afford to go eco much to my disappointment.

It was only until I met up with an old friend who had recently become a new mum that I finally learnt to I forgive myself. Her baby was crawling all over her at the local youth centre and she had little white marks all over her hijab and jilbaab. I said to myself it’s ok. It’s not me, it’s the situation I’m in. I’m not a grub. Being a mum is grubby business. I also learnt I had severe vitamin D deficiency. I also realised I was not making dua for Allah to help me.

Alhamdulilah three babies on, with Allah’s help, vitamin D tablets, multivitamins, more food, more energy, more fat (which I have learnt to love and will inshallah tackle once I finish breastfeeding inshallah) and more faith in my abilities I am wearing a clean, crisp matching outfit right now as I write. It takes time dear sisters and alot of dua. It’s not easy being a mother.

A few tips from me – a struggling juggling muslim mum.

Baby tips:

1.       Try to be quick. Clean up messes immediately – especially vomit, pees and poo stains. A stitch in time saves nine.
2.       Spray disinfectant at areas of najiz if you are in a hurry (products like: Dettol Glen 20 Spray)
3.       Put in a load of washing everyday and go out to hang the clothes – some fresh air will make a big difference to your health and the load will be kept under control
4.       If you can afford it, buy as many extra clothes as possible
5.       Keep a bottle of stain remover and spot clean as soon as you can
6.       Use bibs and coveralls to protect clothes, protect your own clothes will napkins in your lap
7.       Keep a box of old clothes for use at home and a box of perfect clean clothes separate to wear when outside (for you and for baby).
8.        Make the intention to be clean for the sake of Allah and not for the sake of people. Have a look at some leading Islamic speakers on the internet and see how well and clean they are dressed for inspiration. See what a big difference it makes on their lectures if their clothes are neat and clean. Some good examples are habib umar and the kids from hizb ut tahrir – they are dressed impeccably.

May Allah help all of us in our mothering adventures. Ameen.

Umm Musk :)