Sunday, 3 March 2013

Islamic Parenting in Beautiful Sydney :)

Asalamalaikum :D

Inshallah I intend to make a series of posts about how beautiful Sydney is and how nice the experience of being a Muslim parent in this city is. 


I honestly don't know where to start. My mind is so rich with childhood memories of this place, experiences through highschool, lessons i've learnt with my non-muslim highschool friends, stories of university and tafe students (what the MSAs are like), life as a working muslimah, working in the heart of Sydney city, giving up working for the sake of Allah, the south-asian community get-togethers, lots and lots of different sized south-asian aunties each with an interesting and unique past.

I could describe how Muslims get married here, the weddings and after-wedding celebrations, going through pregnancy, the experience of giving birth at Sydney hospitals, raising children here, Islamic schools, the Islamic centres and organisations -- the events they hold, the institutions, the stories, the controversies, the ups and downs and ofcourse the beautiful Muslims whom they bind together as one (if sometimes reluctantly) community. 

Muslims in Sydney can be described as one big puzzle put together. All the pieces are different sizes, colours and textures but put together - you get this amazing piece of art. It's not perfect but it sure is something interesting.

Regardless of how active one is within the rest of the community the fact remains that anyone who sets foot in this place becomes part of it - at least once a year at Eid if not anything else! Seeing Muslims on the street gives us so much happiness and we share this special bond even if we don't quite realise it. We still love every muslim and muslimah here alhamdulilah. Beard or no beard, hijab or no hijab, niqab or jeans our experiences are so similar subhanallah.

It's times like these I wish I had good writing skills because I just can't put the expressions and emotions in they way they deserve. I'll try by best though inshallah....make dua for me. And you have the skills do make a blog yourself and share your experiences of being Muslim in Sydney. Don't forget to share your link here so we can all find out inshallah. 

Umm Maryam

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