Saturday, 17 August 2013

My Hifdh Journey


I begin by praising Allah and sending asalat wa salam on our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

I was inspired by first and foremost my wonderful husband and Dr Israr Ahmed rahimuhallah as well as a need in my local country community for a hafidh. We are currently searching high and low for someone who can teach the youth Quran and lead prayers.

I thought what a shame it isn't me teaching the youth. How useful might I have proved myself in front of Allah at this dire time. 

As I read through sister Hafidha Rayhanna's blog she advises those who are interested in journaling and blogging to use this passion for writing as a means for embarking (and hopefully staying steadfast) on this hifdh journey. 

My blog has been neglected for a while and I thought, why not let's give this a try. Biiidhnillah.

I am using sister Hafidha Rayhanna's blog Fee Qalbee, sister Umm Mohammed, Ustadh Nouman, Sheikh Abdul Nasir Jangda and Shiekh Imran Hossein as inspiration.

New Resolution:

I remember when my first daughter was born I started hifdh of the thirtieth juz, and what beautiful days they were, full of light and full of purpose yet four years later I'm still at Juz 30. But I've come a long way! Alhamdulilah. I've memorised all of juz 30 through house shifting, job changing, a sea change from the city to the country, a new university degree and two extra babies....but I have many many mistakes - my tajweed is crummy, my qirat is crumbly and I constantly need hubby to remind me of the next verse.

But I'm not giving up so easily. Inshallah. I hope those who feel this way will now take this moment in time to also say I won't give up as long as Allah has given me life.

My Situation:

I'm out here in the middle of no where. Smack bang in the middle of Australia in a small country town with a flourishing islamic community - albeit one without any sheikhs or sheikhas.
I'll have to rely on the Internet, Skype and phone calls.

My Plan:

1. Learn Tajweed one on one with a strict teacher. My tajweed teachers have been Miss Honeys, cute, sweet, lovely women who have let me get away with my slackness. I need to find a Tajweed Trunchbull.

2. Using the Juz30 system (ill make a post on this inshallah)

3. Finding someone other than a relative to revise my memorisation with. I need to find someone online. I have no idea where to start yet, sheikh google here I come.

4. Make dua for Allah to make this journey easy and free from arrogance, showing off and sincerely for the sake of Allah.


I hope you will link your blogs down in the comments section so we can share inspirations :)

May Allah protect us, Ameen.

Umm Musk 

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