Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Jan 2015 {Diary} New Islamic College + Moving Houses + New School Year

Asalamu alaikum,

The new year has officially started. I am thinking to start a diary style writing segment for sharing little things and memoirs, rather than full proper articles. Inshallah I can cope up with this sort of writing. I love to write on this blog but just can't seem to squeeze out the time with my babies getting older very fast.

I am currently shifting to Sydney. A beautiful sister in the countryside has kept all my things as I try to hunt down a place here which shows you the love and sisterhood we had as muslim sisters in the countryside. I am missing that with tears and sobs. We had some emotionally memorable farewells as I left that I don't think I can ever write up.

Sydney however is great for all the resources available that weren't in the countryside. We didn't have any learning centres or active masajid where knowledge could be sought. There are islamic bookstores here, halal chicken, halal beef and hijab stores. You just don't know the value of these things until they are not available. Indian stores are also a blessing. In the country we had one. For anyone who knows how indian shops rip you off, imagine a store with no competition for miles. Subhanallah.

I am mostly so glad to be here in Sydney as a new Islamic and Quran Centre has just been inaugrated. I missed out on places for my daughter but inshallah they will try to fit us somewhere. I have signed up to a few classes with the mercy of Allah and the first class was simply breathtaking. It is located in a multiculural business hub in a dingy, busy, noisy parking less cbd. But that centre with its tiny rooms filled with lamps of knowledge just illuminates everything around it with beauty.

Inshallah we are planning to buy a house rather than rent. Are alarm bells going off in the minds of our practising sisters? Don't worry inshallah I am aware of the ahkam of riba. I am not purchasing a house on riba. I will inshallah be purchasing it through a co-op. If anyone is aware of Sheikh Imran Hossein's lectures in Sydney in 2008, they will be familiar with the system he explains as the "only halal way" to buy a house, the one he mentions he says is only found in San Francisco. Well alhamdulilah bi idnillah we found a system similar here in New South Wales. I will ofcourse be sharing the details soon on this blog. Inshallah.

The new school year has begun and my daughter is continuing at her Islamic School. We have a very very lovely, soft spoken teacher who just smiles so nicely at pick up time. We have a new and very much improved arabic studies program. The islamic studies program is smoothly perfect as always run by another lovely sister with a very big smile. A few of my friend's children have also started school and it's nice to have that community feeling, inshallah another thing I can write about soon.

This was supposed to be a short diary note but khair I hope sisters enjoyed reading it as much I do sharing.

May Allah bless you and you family where ever in the world you are. May allah keep you surrounded with the warmth of knowledge and sisterhood ameen.

Umm Musk

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