Saturday, 8 August 2015

Sorting and Organising Toys

Asalam alaikum,

Earlier this year I had a nasty case of coughing for well over 3 weeks which left my ribs and back in a battered state, despite physiotheraphy it was a very difficult struggle. 

Alhamdulilah for recovering and duas for other sisters who are still suffering from this epidemic which seems to have crossed all over Sydney. I was buying Internet and the Phillipines call centre worker seemed to be suffering from it too, wonder how it got to there subhanallah. I think it is whooping cough. 

I needed to find a solution so that I didn't need to be picking up toys from all over the house. Littlest munchkin was 11 months then and all the toys grew legs. 

Any requests for help from the other children were met with so many little voices whinging, with mysterious little lungs having coughing attacks right at that very moment. 

I know this happens in every house. But I wasn't to be a statistic. 

All the toys are now in the garage. In a big plastic box. Next to the red back spiders. *Hmph*.

Here is a picture of our little poisonous toy guards. 

So now I have (and will inshallah since there actually spiders there today, and I'm arachnophobic myself) organise the toys into the following categories and only two boxes can come out at one time (inshallah):

Plastic blocks
Wooden blocks
Tea Sets
Beauty/Dress Up toys
Animals figures
Indoor sports 
Fiddly toys (yoyos, spinning toys)
Toolbox toys

The boxes I am using to sort the toys were marketed as shoeboxes found at the Reject Shop at $10 for three. I really liked these boxes because their size was great for storage, they are transparent and look neat when stacked. I have put my children's baby memorabilia in others I bought too. 

Take care sisters,

Do share with me how you store your children's toys.

Umm Musk

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