Friday, 19 April 2013

Muslimah Revert from the Hindu Faith

Asalamalaikum :D

I'm here with some good news I've been wanting to share for a while. I was at PiousBegaliSis's place one night as she runs Madrassa for kids in the neighbourhood. All the kids mums hang around for a chat while the kids learn Quran and Arabic in the garage which her husband has transformed awesomely into an office/musallah/madrassa.

It's a great place to stalk some pious, islamic mums and admirably listen to what islamic sisters talk about. They are so inspirational.

We had a surprise guest that evening. She was a beautiful revert from Hinduism. I had never met a revert from this faith so meeting her was truly special. The difference on her face from other Hindu women was amazing. The light of faith and Iman made her glow. It was her first time attending a sisters gathering like this and she was in so many tears. It was a heart rendering experience.

She has been a revert to Islam for three years now but only has recently met up with some excellent sisters who are helping her benefit from the Deen.

I request that inshallah you will make dua for this lovely sister as she is taking her first steps towards wearing hijab. Mashallah!.

Image Source: - What a beautiful image of co-existence :)

Umm Musk :)


  1. Sallam. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your kind comment. i just visit your place first time and feeling happy. your blog is realy great Mashaallah.

    1. Walaikumasalam dear sis, jazak allah khair for your own kindness :)I really liked your blog too!
