Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Stain Removal {Cleaning} {Renting}

Asalamalaikum Sisters :D

Keeping a rented home perfectly clean not only helps us get our bond back, it also helps give off a great image of Muslims. Landlords should be impressed by the level of cleanliness of our homes. Our willingness to respect and protect the property of those who help us should shine through with our cleaning abilities. 

Trouble is we're not totally in control of the mess making business. Although we as couples can maintain a perfect home, there's no saying what little grubby hands can reach to and just how far those tinky little feet can go. 

Renting with kids is a huge challenge. In my previous home, we had covered the whole house with carpets and tarpauline to protect the white carpets. Despite our efforts a tiny piece of carpet had been left vunerable. The area in front of the kitchen was covered with a mat. It was continously tampered with by the children. 

One day the inevitable happened. ToddlerBoy found organic mandarine juice in the fridge. Brown organic mandarine juice. I have written about ToddlerBoy's artisticly creative carpet and egg disaster in this blogpost. His artistic side had attacked again. He poured a waterfall of 2 litters of juice right onto the carpet right in front of my round, shocked eyes. By the time I got was too late. 

No amount of stain removal made any difference. No amount of professional carpet cleaning made any difference. No amount of stress or tears made any difference. We had to pay for the carpet replacement.

Alhamdulilah life at most times is not so bad and we have stains that we can tackle.This is not a paid advertisement for Preen. It is just something I found my mum use so I use it too.

I have written this article on How to tackle Baby Wee and Prayer on other uses for our Preen products.

Preens we use at my place
Steps for a good clean:

1. Be sure to blot out excess muck before spraying with a rag cloth, tea towel or tissue
2. Spray as soon as you spot the mess except in these circumstances: (Article about My Shoe Polish Stains and Praying on Time)
3. Blot away dirt lifted by the chemical
4. Spray again if necessary
5. Wash away chemical with water, especially if you have crawling toddlers - if you wouldnt lick stain remover, baby shouldn't either
6. Check after everything is dry for complete stain removal, if not repeat the next day

May Allah help those sisters who are renting instead of purchasing a house on a haram loan. Ameen. :)

Umm Musk :)

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